Thursday, November 9, 2017

Millionth View on Youtube


Taylor Green


English 1C

09 November, 2017

                      The video that gets 1 million views on it will most likely be about my coming out story. For years i've wanted to share my coming out story but i've been to afraid to. This year ill make my coming out story video and i hope it gets to 1-million views. My coming out story is initially very hard to share it involves crying,anger,and so much sadness. My sister was the very first to know I was gay. She told me that she sensed it because I played more sports than my brothers

Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Past or the Future and Why


Taylor Green


English 1C

02 November, 2017

                          The Past or the Future and Why

If I  had to choose between past or future to live in for the next year of my life i'd have to choose the past in the 1960's because back then they didn't care if you were gay, straight, bi ,or trans. Back then there may have been racism but as you can see we got over that but we didn't get over how many teens and even adults are killing themselves because they are being persecuted for being gay. People say being gay is a choice when its really  not. We didn't wake up and decide to be gay, we were born the way we were because god loves us if we are or aren't. Christians put in our heads that being gay is wrong they say god hates gays, But he didn't put that in the bible. I've lived for years with people not accepting me  for being gay. Children aren't born to hate us its the way their raised that teaches them to.